Saturday, February 10, 2007

Drunk Settlers and Thoughts on Hudna

In other news, I'm still trying to figure out how extremist muslims manage to justify all the beheadings and amputations when the Koran specifically is against that... I was reading through the list of prohibited techniques used in times of war, and honestly for its time, heck even for our time, that was honestly quite developed... I guess an extremist can justify anything by focusing on certain words and ignoring others... sad state of affairs.

Live Leak has a couple of videos up of young Jewish settlers being hostile verbally and physically, towards human rights workers. What a stupid cycle of hate on hate we live in, that now even the neutrals are being abused simply for being around.

Drunk Settler with a big mouth - You could simply brush this off as the guy being a drunk idiot rambling off in the woods, but when he tries to come up close to the HRW at one point and the man replies "you cannot come in here this is not your house" you realize the HRW is actually trying to stop this drunk fool from entering a Palestinian who lives in the settlement's house. This video was taken at Tel Rumeida, a Palestinian community in Hebron.

Angry Kids with Rocks

Notice how in both videos the adults do not partake but do not condemn what is going on either...

I am not trying to spread any hatred by putting those two videos up, several Palestinian groups commit horrific crimes as well as Israeli IDF on Palestinians, but that side of the story is covered on mainstream and independent media constantly... Human rights workers getting shafted is something you just don't get to see, but from what I understand, it happens constantly.

1 comment:

}{erocool said...

woow man... .. just got round to watching the 2nd video 2day.. (as if i've been too busiy not to watch it LOL)..
but yar.,.second one is was more 'telling'.... where as the first video should have been played in davechapelle's 'player hater's ball' was just stupid kids with 'anit jesus torrets' hehe..

man daim.. scary stuff getting stoned @ point blank in broad day light, worse still twas kids doing it to a lady...daim....

any who... it would seeem that LIVE LEAK is the aljazeera of online video..aka 'we sensor nothing'...and youtube would be the neutral equivalent of sweeden in a lawless frontier zat is ze internet mouahahahahha
