Friday, February 09, 2007

LSD - Yet another way to pretend you're Jesus

}{erocool has been harassing me to post this, and I'm fearing for my life at this point... I watched the first 5 minutes and it looked like it would be something interesting to watch over a pizza in the evening, as soon as I get some work out of the way, and some well deserved sleep (a wee bout of Insomnia this evening). So anyways, watch and enjoy. I'll update with comments later in the day.

Update - I forgot to comment... Watched it till the last 15 min then decided to play a video game that had finished downloading (legally mind you). It was good, I don't know what is trippier though, the documentaries cinematography or lsd itself? Not something to go crazy over, maybe if you don't have much to do and have an interest in LSD then definatly worth the watch, lots of good interviews with the people who made it and situations they found themselves in (like trying to ride a bike home on lsd.... omg rofl!!!!111!!oneone!!! PWNED by drugs lol) All in all, a wonderful little documentary on the origins of LSD as a lowly drug tested on psychiatric patients and by government agiences, to the hippie mind fuck it eventually turned into!

1 comment:

}{erocool said...

mouahwhaha..... glad to see u got some life enrichment out of it ehhe...

i pacticularily liked the 'wide spread' miricle suspecisions about it which got so hot that the church got thier priests to do that shit just to see if they could 'contact god' lol..

some of the stuff is disturbing... its informative which is why i coudlnt turn away... lol the dude who was documented through his own trip... that momentary time travel through the mind... tis trippy..

any one thinking of doing lsd should watch this as a caution first hehe..