Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Viet-Dong: Fucking for Sanity... and 5 million dollars.

James Pacenza, has just been fired from IBM for using Adult chat rooms while at work.

Typical open and shut case right? Wrong! This guy claims that his military service in the Vietnam War led to a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder that causes him to seek out "titillating conversations" whenever he gets bothered or worried.

James Pacenza, 58, of Montgomery, says he visits chat rooms to treat traumatic stress incurred in 1969 when he saw his best friend killed during an Army patrol in Vietnam.

Ah yes, but of course, that all makes sense now.

He argues, that on that specific day, he had just returned from a veterans memorial, and that he needed to get it off his mind.... so what better way of course then to have cyber sex with some miscellaneous person during your break?

His lawyer argues that Mr. Pacenza is the victim of age discrimination as he is 55 years old and that he has violated no written IBM rule. The company counter-claims that he had been warned once, and they weren't going to put up with his shenanigans anymore.

[Pacenza] argues that other workers with worse offenses were disciplined less severely -- including a couple who had sex on a desk and were transferred.

Wow, IBM is starting to sound like a deviants paradise!

Of course, the lawyer is arguing that because Mr. Pacenza is a war veteran he should be given special conditions, and that sex addiction as a result of watching someone die is perfectly normal.

Funny enough, this guy might have a chance at actually winning this case it seems... I mean, I doubt too many people buy the line that watching a friend die in combat resulted in a perpetual desire to fuck, but IBM messed up by not offering him sex addiction therapy when they offer therapy for employees who suffer drug/alcohol problems.

He is suing the company for $5 Million, so my guess is that they'll quietly settle this matter out of court for a decent sum, as well as give him his retirement benefits early.

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