Thursday, February 08, 2007

The world doesn't need more Super Mario renditions... except on occasion.

Yes I am a geek.

But I also really fucking hate all these Super Mario renditions that people keep posting on the internet... It's an old joke people, its been done, get the fuck over it and do something better with your time.

Then I saw this guy... and I mean honestly... who wouldn't want to see Super Mario played on a flute while the guy beatboxes at the same time?

Okay... maybe there are quite a few people who really wouldn't think this was worth their time, but damnit people you have to realize... I don't give a shit.... In my book, this cut is pretty fucking awesome!

1 comment:

}{erocool said...

lol very nice..

i agree.....its been done.. 1001 times over.......

but i challnege u to finding a durm and bass tetrus remix! hhehe its sick....
check it: